Faras Maroge

If you can imagine it,
it can be developed

About me

Hello! My name is Faras Maroge and I am a Frontend Web Developer.

I have a masters degree in computer science from the University of Illinois at Springfield. During that time, I was learning the foundations of computer science. I love developing websites and learning new technologies.

I was always interested in learning about programming languages which led me to learn about Web Development. On my free time I like to listen to audiobooks, play the piano, and work on my fitness.

I started out by learning Frontend Development because I felt really fascinated by it and wanted to learn more about that. I have worked on great projects which are a result of my passion for Web Development. I would like to work on a team with great programmers. My skills are developing websites and I will strive to learn more and more every day.

I continue to work hard every day and I will do the best that I can in delivering quality work.

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My Projects


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Using HTML5 which incorporates the latest version of Hypertext Markup Language. Using CSS for describing the presentation of web pages for colors, layout, and fonts.

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JavaScript & jQuery:

Using the programming of HTML including functions, elements targetting, and event delegation.

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Communicate with server-side scripts including making API calls, making use of AJAX and JSON for data interchange.

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Using the interface V8 JavaScript runtime. Use code pre-processing in Node.js.

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React, React Router, Redux:

Using JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

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Git & Github:

Build projects and use version control, backup, and project hosting.

Contact me

Feel free to contact me any time and I will get back to you. Thank you very much.